Wall of Elon
Currently Minted
0 / 10000

Amount To Mint


10069 Wall of Elons in the style of Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol.

Created using iPad and Apple Pen paint overlays, various image modification APIs paired with manual human variation, and machine generated Python scripts.

Each unique layer utilized is verified by being named as its Keccak-256 hash.

Each Wall of Elon is 6480 × 3540 px in size. There are 5 by 5 640x640px Elon base images on each part.

First 420 are free then 0.0420 ETH each. Max 10 per transaction.

The creation process is detailed here: process.pdf

Base image is CC BY-SA 4.0. Attribution in contract.

CC BY-SA 4.0 share alike contributions are here.